Monday, October 29, 2007


Ghostly goblins witches brew
Tonight we’ll have a scare or two
Candy Corn and chocolate sweets
Costumed children in the streets
Pumpkin eyes that glow at night
With hollow insides firelight
Monsters up and down the block
Run inside and doors do lock
They hunt for candy far and wide
If you have none, you better hide
Ghostly goblins can be mean
So have a Happy Halloween


I have been very busy writing for a contest. I wrote nine stories in a matter if three days, needless to say my mind is “humming” to a close. I do not know if I have it in me to write any more. I love the challenge of a contest, but to get as many stories as you can in one week is very difficult.

I chose to stop if I felt the integrity of my writing was going to be compromised. I didn’t write just to win I accepted the challenge to see how far I could stretch my mind. These titles were not picked by me so I had to write according to the titles.

My stories can be found on Helium. (Just click onto the Helium sign on the bottom of this page) The categories I wrote in were: Death Wish, Solitude, Memory Loss, Despair, Shame, Serenity, Rumors, Lies, and Birth.

I read a lot of articles that others wrote and I must say that I really thought some of them were really good. So while you’re in there take a peek at what some of the others wrote to.

Friday, October 19, 2007

Halloween Goblins

“Halloween Night” Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Halloween a night that’s fun, till the ghostly goblins come.

Then I hide under my bed, I don’t want to see the walking dead!

I close my eyes and start to say, make the goblins go away.

I peek a little here and there; I see a very scary stare.

My hair stands on its very ends, these monsters are my very friends.

With bags of treats they stand about, till the candy I give out.

Then on their way off down the street, to scare and get more trick or treat

L. A. Hardt Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket


Sunday, October 14, 2007

A Bit of a Scare

Halloween a night of fright,
Trick or treat something’s not right.

Ghosts are running down the street,
I fear the goblins I might meet.

I look to the left and then the right,
I see a very scary sight.

Right before these eyes of mine,
Someone’s mooning his behind.

L.A. Hardt 10/15/07


Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
How strange is this? I had taken this picture the summer of last year. It was a trap that catches yellow jackets. You use a sweet treat in the bottom of the jar that attracts them, they can get in and they are not supposed to be able to get out it.

Looks like they liked the treat so much they set up home in the jar. So much for not getting out!

I was going through pictures and found this one thought I’d share it. (I do not recommend this trap for use.) Although this isn’t “Halloweenish” it is pretty scary.



Thursday, October 4, 2007

This Months Mood Halloween

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When I was a kid I loved Halloween. I couldn’t wait to get dressed up and get out the door just to go trick or treating. My sisters and I would hurry go out go through the neighborhood and yes, we did reach into our bags and eat some of the goodies that people dropped in. We even got apples, oranges, and bags of popcorn, all without incident and razor blades.

If my sisters and I finished our collecting of sweet morsels early we would go home and change our costumes and go out again. Of course we carried an old sock filled with flower that we would hit each other with and anyone else that came at us yielding the loaded sock. We also had large pieces of chalk that we would also chalk each other with too.

I never recalled getting hit with eggs, or being afraid. We all walked in groups and laughed and clowned around with each other. The worst that we probably did was ring doorbells and run.


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