Thursday, November 29, 2007

A Short Visit to South Carolina

Friday morning after Thanksgiving we drove down to South Carolina, not far from North Myrtle Beach. We also ventured down to Charleston and visited the museum. It was a nice trip that I hope to do again perhaps after Christmas.

The trip down was really nice the leaves were still on the trees with a kaleidoscope of colors that were just magnificent. I’m sure you have seen them for yourself, the reds were so intense!

I like going to the Carolina’s I do prefer North Myrtle Beach, only because it has less people and its beaches are beautiful. I love walking the shore at Cherry Grove, I will say that it is really being built up in the last year, I just hope it holds onto its charm.

My son lives in Longs, before that he lived in Little River, North Carolina. Little River is on the border line of North and South Carolina, along with Sunset Beach and Calabash, more of my favorite places. There is no shortage of places to eat or play, miniature golf seems very popular, in fact if you can think of a theme they have a miniature golf for it. They are really nice I see people just taking pictures standing in front of them.

Golf is also very popular, and I have to say I have seen some really nice golf courses. Any way I am going to get back down as soon as I can. I am waiting for my son to get rid of his house guest actually it lives outside and I just happen to bump into it, of course I have a picture.

I am sure you can see how big this spider was, at least an inch and a half. I am going to look it up to see what kind it is.

I removed the spider, replaced it with the ocean, for my friend Anne.


Thursday, November 22, 2007


Here It Is Thanksgiving!

Well here it is Thanksgiving; it is so unbelievably warm in New York. I hope everyone enjoys this day and use it to create more special memories. I am going on vacation tomorrow.


The colors of our this post will be changing with the seasons


Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Thanksgiving Count Down


Here it is already November 12; I am slowly making progress, let’s see I cleaned out my closet. Now what to do with all those shoes? I would like to get everything done so that I can put up the tree early this year and take back my Christmas. Every year I wait longer and longer to put the tree up and I hate it, I feel like I am not part of the holidays.

Well I have to admit I am one of those people that very often wrap all night on Christmas Eve; I am not going to do that this year. No, I plan to have a different year then I’ve had for the last few holidays. Now, if only I can recall where I put those decorations, hmmm.

I recall Christmas as a kid; some of my favorite things were when my mother took glass wax and added a color packet to it. Then she would dip a cut up sponge into it and use a stencil to place a decoration or a scene on the window. I remember the wreaths and she would dot red berries on it. There were the small tin foil wreaths also that had a candle in the middle and she would also hang that on the window and plug in.

Ah Christmas, I played with the metal dollhouse and plastic furniture that we found under the tree on Christmas morning and oh those cut outs, and you really had to cut them out! My sister and I would play for hours, or was that fight for hours, maybe it was both. My mother would take us up on Manhattan Avenue to see the stores decorated and the church with the manger. I remember it snowing and it all seemed so magical.

Talking about snow, during the winter when it did snow the trucks would come and pile it all at the end of the street making a mountain of snow. Now mind you I was pretty small back in those days but that pile of snow was the greatest! I followed my brother, both of us dragging sleighs to the end of the street to that mountain of snow. Now my brother being responsible for my well being told me I wasn’t allowed to go all the way to the top.

I dragged my sleigh up the side of the piled snow and would go down for the ride of my life. This snow really was piled pretty high, I remember thinking that the people that lived on the second story had this snow up to there window height. At the end of my street was a pier so I guess they could have thrown it there which I am sure that is what they do now, but back then it was a snow adventure.

My brother and I along with his friends would also build large snow forts and then have snowball fights. I don’t remember being cold when I was playing outside just having fun. Remember the only things we had on our feet were those red goulashes that had that little snap that would close the top over. All we wore under those boats were our shoes and when you took the boots off you had to dump all the snow out of them that would always end up inside the boot.

My sisters were too young and only played in the snow when my mom would take them out in it. But I was lucky I tagged after my big brother, it was the best.

Our family was always close, that’s why I look forward to the holidays being with them and sharing the memories. This year I think I’ll bring that box of shoes maybe they could use them hmmm. Now where did I say I put those decorations?

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Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Cleaning And Finding Memories

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"Cleaning the bathroom, could prove to be deadly! Perhaps I'll skip that room."

I guess you all are wondering how I am doing on that house cleaning. Well let me just say this, it can be more frightening then a scary movie. I have found things that I don’t know why I had them to begin with or where they came from. (I am not getting rid of the lava lamp.) No I did not find the Go Go boots, I think I got rid of during the last big clean up. Nehru shirts, elephant bells, and no I didn’t find those things either but I had great memories.

The sixties weren’t that bad, not when you were young and living in it, looking back on it is another story. I probably know more know about the sixties then when I was actually living in it. I don’t have any regrets, I was pretty young and I can only remember the fun I had.

The not so fun things I recall was the news that would announce the number of soldiers that were lost in Vietnam, I was always scared by that. There wasn’t a person that didn’t personally know someone that was lost. If you passed a military cemetery they were always open graves waiting for the soldiers that were lost. I wrote a lot of poetry back then, but that came a bit later in the sixties.

Teenagers and kids walked everywhere, I walked to the shopping center to meet friend at the pizza place, a coke and a slice under a dollar. The shopping center was all the way on the other side of town. The walk was fun you usually shared the walk with a friend and you laughed and talked there and back. I moved out of that town to the next town over and I still walked to that shopping center.

If you were lucky and you had a friend that drove, the car was usually an older model, and we would reach into our pockets and get a dollars worth of change and put gas in the car. That would take you far; I recall the gas price was about .29 cents per gallon. Of course no one made as much money as we do now the cost of living was very different.

Oh those were the years, but the house is calling, (very loudly, I might add). The next time I’ll take you back even further, so if you want to reminisce with me please find your way back. Or if you’re just curious about the sixties take a peek.


Saturday, November 3, 2007


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Okay now that Halloween is over, we have Thanksgiving to look forward to. I like this time of the year, I live where the weather gets cold, and you sort of tuck yourself in for the winter. You try to get holiday shopping done before the temperature drops. Usually all our good intentions still has us running around in cold rain or snow.

I am trying to get rid of the left over Halloween candy before I am so tempted to eat it. Then I can run out and replace it with a sampling of holiday cookies and pies, hmmm or should I say mmmm. I can’t win, especially if you’re on a diet.

I am thinking about my fall clean up since I really didn’t do the spring clean up. I think I better tackle it. I hate going through stuff and lord knows I have a lot of stuff. If I could find good use for things I would gladly get rid of them, but I have a hard time parting with things that are in good condition. Oh well the time has come to start making donations.

I really shouldn’t be here working blog, but to be honest I would do anything to avoid what needs to be done. Oh well, I will keep you up dated on how the clean out is going. Oh by the way does anybody need anything I might have…?
