I have so neglected this blog, please except my apologies. I have been very busy with so many other things that have come up and I simply put this blog on the back burner while I still pretty much kept up with MyParadiseMoon.com. I started this blog it was my first, I started it when I joined Helium, thinking it would be a good place to get my thoughts and ideas together, well so much for that.
I went to it today as if visiting an old friend, feeling a bit guilty because I didn’t keep in touch. I have no real excuse it was just easy to put off expressing myself on these pages. Today I sit wondering what words I would place here and decided to just think out loud. Express what I am feeling at the very minute I sit here at the keyboard and type.
I find it difficult to focus, yet I want to share some sort of insight, perhaps my mind is tired now and I need to come back. I will not neglect this blog for such a long time as I have in the past. I will comeback shortly to share with you a small portion of whom I am or those I know.
I will share with you a picture taken at Niagara Falls, It is amazing. It was taken by my son. Look at the rainbow streched out over the boat